Webinar series on the potential of technology for psychology
In 2023 the Project Group eHealth organises a webinar series on the potential of technology for psychology.

In 2023 the Project Group eHealth organises a webinar series on the potential of technology for psychology.
On this page, you find recordings and hand-outs of these webinars:
Webinar 1: Adopting internet-based psychological interventions for practice: Lessons to take away from three decades of intensive research. By Jonas Eimontas
Webinar 2: More than metaverse madness? The potential of immersive technologies for mental health. By Tom Van Daele
Webinar 3: Developing just in time adaptive interventions (JITAIs) to counter stress: Promises and pitfalls. By Andreas Schwerdtfeger
Webinar 4: The Promises and Pitfalls of using Machine Learning in Mental Health. By David Gosar
Webinar 5: Global Online Classrooms in How to Train Caregivers of Abandoned Children. By Niels Peter Rygaard