Scope of the groups

Boards deal with general aspects of professional development that are relevant for the psychological profession as a whole, irrespective of field of practice or specialization.
Standing Committees
Standing Committees deal with expertise development and professional development within particular areas of professional practice. Standing Committees are appointed for a four-year period and may be renewed following review. 


Terms of Reference (TOR) for EFPA working groups 2021

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Terms of Reference (TOR) for EFPA working groups 2021.pdf

List of working groups

Board of Scientific Affairs

The board deals with the criteria used for the evaluation of the European Congress of Psychology, the proposed standards for research ethics evaluation procedures and the proposed minimum standards for the doctorate degree in psychology in Europe. They also discuss proposals for applying the Open Science standards in psychology and address the replicability issues.

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Board of Educational Affairs

The board monitors and assesses developments in the teaching of psychology, develops standards and gives advice on issues of concern to students and teachers. The focus is on the academic education of psychology at all levels (BA, MA, PhD, post-graduate) but the teaching of psychology to other professions and the general public shall also be included.

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Board of Ethics

The board serves as a support to the European psychologists in the matter of ethics and deals with general aspects of professional development that are relevant for the psychological profession as a whole, irrespective of field of practice or specialization.

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Board of Assessment

The main goal of the board is organizing and promoting actions aimed at improving testing practices in Europe. They have developed a range of projects and actions aimed at improving tests and testing in Europe.

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Board on Cultural and Ethnic Diversity

The board wants to raise awareness in all those whose working lives intersect with immigrants and ethnic minority members: those active in (mental) health care, education, socioeconomic fields and politics. The aim is to inspire a greater globalization in people’s thinking, education and workplaces.

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SC on Psychology in Health

The role of the SC is to monitor and assess developments in research, education and professional practice pertaining to mental and physical health including the importance of prevention and optimalisation of digitalisation and suggests standards for the education and professional practice of psychologists working in the field of health.

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SC on Psychology in Education

SC has the mission to analyse and appraise the developments in research, professional practice of psychologists and policy in educational contexts across Europe. We disseminate evidence based knowledge and practices to improve the quality of psychological services and support the best interest of people in educational systems.

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SC on Ageing (former SC on Geropsychology)

Key for the SC is to provide sound research-based knowledge about the diverse psychological processes underlying human ageing as well as expertise about training, education and interventions that will help to promote quality of living and subjective well-being both at the individual as well as the social level.

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SC on Crisis, Disaster and Trauma Psychology

In addition to making recommendations concerning the psychological input to disaster planning and disaster response, this committee has given consideration to Quality Standards for Psychological Interventions in Disaster and Crisis. It recognises that much of the delivery of services to those affected directly and indirectly by disasters will be by other professionals and lay people involved in Non Governmental Organizations.

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SC on Community Psychology

The SC is observing and documenting influences on different systemic levels (life conditions of individuals, groups, networks, organizations, and communities). Another task of the SC is to promote activities in research and practice to prevent people from risks especially rooted in the social, political, cultural and economic structure.

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SC on Clinical Neuropsychology

The SC is entrusted with the mission of analysing the situation of the field of clinical neuropsychology in Europe and to collect information on the current situation on the specialization training within clinical neuropsychology in the different countries of Europe (both in the universities and in the clinical practice) and on the legal and professional status of clinical neuropsychologists within the profession of psychologists in different European countries.

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SC on Work & Organisation

The SC is investigating how work and organisational psychologists contribute to improving work-related health, job engagement, productivity and organisational success. Their methodology is based on theories, research models and best practices in the field.

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