Associate Membership is open and accessible to any legal entity cumulatively meeting all the criteria in the Statutes including:  :

  • Having members in at least ten (10) countries in Europe
  • Having at least two-thirds (2/3) of its members being Psychologists or students or teachers of Psychology
  • Having a purpose in accord with the non-profit purpose of EFPA

An online application form can be obtained by contacting the Head Office. 

Associate Members agree to actively cooperate towards the achievement of the purpose of EFPA. Examples might include sharing information with EFPA, participating in the European Congresses of Psychology, providing expertise on issues within their domain, and engaging in joint policy influencing activities.

Associate Members pay an annual fee set by the General Assembly. (200€ sit 2018) 


See EFPA Statutes article 7 - Associate Members
Associate Members list
EAOHP - European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology
EARA - European Association for Research on Adolescence
EACLIPT - European Association of Clinical Psychology and Psychological Treatment
EHPS - European Health Psychology Society
ESPLAT - European Society of Psychology Learning and Teaching
EAAP - European Association for Aviation Psychology
ECPA- European Community Psychology Association
EAWOP - European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology
EAPP - European Association of Personality Psychology
EMDR Europe - Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing
ESTSS - European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies
EFPSA - European Federation of Psychology Students' Associations
EAPA - European Association of Psychological Assessment
FEPSAC - European Federation of Sport Psychology
EADP - European Association of Developmental Psychology
FESN - Federation of the European Societies of Neuropsychology