SC on Crisis, Disaster and Trauma Psychology
In addition to making recommendations concerning the psychological input to disaster planning and disaster response, this committee has given consideration to Quality Standards for Psychological Interventions in Disaster and Crisis. It recognises that much of the delivery of services to those affected directly and indirectly by disasters will be by other professionals and lay people involved in Non Governmental Organizations.
The Standing Committee is one of the many committees, boards and project groups residing under the umbrella of EFPA. Standing Committees deal with expertise development and professional development within particular areas of professional practice. The Standing Committee members represent the different National Associations from the European Countries. This enables the Standing Committee to reflect the experiences and work of these countries, building the status and reputation of psychologists in building capacity for dealing with crisis, disasters and trauma in these countries.
Adequate psychosocial intervention following disasters can reduce ill health and foster resilience if handled appropriately. The Standing Committee on crisis, disaster and trauma psychologists wants the citizens of Europe to have access to comparable psychosocial services regardless of where they live. By a more systematic focus on psychosocial support within each Member State’s emergency planning, by proper training of volunteers and professionals, and by describing a minimum level of care for those who experience disasters, this aim can be reached.
The Standing Committee on Crisis, Disaster and Trauma Psychology wants to be leading in Europe in providing direction to psychologists in the development and delivery of expertise in crisis, disaster and trauma psychology, psychosocial crisis management, individual and community resilience building, operational and emergency psychology and evidence based post trauma interventions to provide and mediate evidence based, best practices and to seek consensus on common European values and standards.
List of members

Resources from this working group
More information about SC on Crisis, Disaster and Trauma Psychology
- To provide guidance and support for psychologists in the delivery of the highest quality trauma standards and services.
- To develop standards to ensure the effective and appropriate training and education of those involved in providing services and interventions.
- To anticipate and meet the changing needs of communities and organisations.
- To achieve this by combining professionalism, ethical principles and fundamental human rights, objectivity and respect for human values in an environment of respect, trust and enthusiasm.
The Standing Committee meets twice a year in the different European countries and organises pre-meeting symposia with presentations by the SC members and presentations of the colleagues from the hosting country. It is a special opportunity to share knowledge and expertise with the colleagues in the specific country.