EFPA' seven priorities


The seven priorities, elaborated upon below, are presented as tangible measures to guarantee continuous and significant EU-level action. Ideally, these priorities would evolve into workstreams forming part of a cohesive strategy, ready for launch and effectively bound together through the implementation of an EU Year for Mental Health.

1—Commitment to mental health in all policies

A focus on mental health and its social determinants should feature in all EU policies. It should address the foundations of development in childhood and across the lifespan. It should be properly funded, resourced and measured.

2—Mental health as a core part of societal crises responses

Mental health should be a core part of any response to current and future societal crises.

3—Community-oriented mental health services

WHO’s call for more community-oriented mental health services should be supported. Services should focus on providing suitable support for those who need it, in particular to vulnerable groups.

4—Mental wellbeing in the workplace

Mental health in the workplace should be a priority, as demonstrated by recent EU funded research.

5—The impact of climate change on mental health especially for the young

Support programmes —for children and young people especially— should be introduced in settings such as schools.

6—Mental health training standards and regulation

Mental health practitioners´ training should be based on a recognised standard, properly funded, and regulated in the EU.

7—Equality of access to mental health including digitalisation

Citizens should be engaged as partners and have equal access to appropriate and high-quality mental healthcare. Digital and physical contexts should receive equal consideration.



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APA_EFPA_FSP_Logo MH_Words-Cloud Be-EU_Presidency

APA, EFPA and FSP´s representative to UNOG and the Specialized Agencies at Geneva attended the WHO 77th World Health Assembly Here >

European Parliament Elections 2024: EFPA Manifesto for Mental Health.
Here >

EU Belgian Presidency Conference on Mental Health and Work. Here >


Ceplis_logo EuropeanCouncil_logo  

 CEPLIS letter to Commissioner Kyriakides regarding Mental Health.Here >

EFPA welcomes the EPSCO Council Report: "Conclusions on mental health Here >



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