15th Alps-Adria Psychology Conference 2024
Welcome Address & Call for Abstracts
Dear colleagues,
Starting in 1987, the Alps-Adria Psychology Conferences were organized by the universities of the Alps-Adria region and took place in Austria, Croatia, Hungary, Italy, and Slovenia. The conferences served as a platform for inspiring research exchange across all areas of psychology and provided a place to build new partnerships and refresh old ones. We are pleased to continue this tradition and to host the 15th Alps-Adria Psychology Conference in Klagenfurt.
On behalf of the Scientific Committee, we are delighted to invite you to contribute to this year's 15th Alps-Adria Psychology Conference (AAPC24), which will take place at the Department of Psychology of the University of Klagenfurt from 11th – 13th September 2024. The registration and abstract submission are open; detailed information can be found on the conference webpage.
Please make sure to first register for the conference before submitting an abstract. The submission deadline is May 26th. After registration, you will be automatically forwarded to payments. However, payments can be made later, for example, after abstract submission. Please note that the conference fees at the reduced early bird rate are available until July 8th.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please don't hesitate to contact the organizing team (aapc2024(a)aau.at).
Looking forward to meeting you in Klagenfurt