Online consultations and psychologists’ use and experience
While online consultations have shown promise to be a means for the effective delivery of high-quality mental healthcare and the first implementations of these digital therapeutic contacts go back nearly two decades, uptake has rema
Online consultations and psychologists’ perspectives
While the general uptake of e-mental health interventions remained low over the past years, physical distancing and lockdown measures relating to the COVID-19 pandemic created a need and demand for online consultations in only a mat
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought with it a great need for the use of telepsychotherapy and other interventions using psychological theories and techniques to support both mental and physical health.
Digital psychological interventions – consensus statement
This consensus statement from the different members of the EFPA project group on E-health aims to provide general rules of thumb concerning the dissemination in and use of digital psychological interventions in practice.
Increasing digital intervention adherence in chronic illness sufferers
Chronic illnesses cause considerable burden in quality of life, often leading to physical, psychological, and social dysfunctioning of the sufferers and their family.