“Mental health at work has remained in the shadows for too long,”

Belgium’s Deputy Prime Minister urges EU to dedicate the next 10 years to mental health

In a recent interview with EuroHealthNet, Frank VandenbrouckeBelgium's Deputy Prime Minister has called on the EU to dedicate the next decade to mental health, stressing that it should be integrated into broader policy frameworks and labour market access goals, as set out by the European Pillar of Social Rights.

Recognising the importance of addressing psychosocial risks in the workplace, he highlighted international legal instruments like the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and ILO conventions. Despite existing frameworks, regulatory disparities across Member States necessitate cohesive action, possibly through a new EU directive on psychosocial risks at work.

Belgium's proactive stance on mental health could inspire EU-wide initiatives, including a potential European Year for mental health to reduce stigma and enhance policy development. This initiative aligns with broader efforts for a dedicated EU mental health strategy, aiming for a healthier and more supportive future for all Europeans.

EFPA´s manifesto on Mental Health supports the call for a European Year for mental health and stresses that a focus on mental health and its social determinants should feature in all EU policies.

Source: EuroHealthNet Magazine

EFPA manifesto

EFPA Seven Pillars on Mental Health